A third of infrastructure investors believe the government will fail to attract pension fund investment for ambitious projects such as an overhaul of British roads, a survey reveals.
Morrisons has announced Capita Hartshead will provide scheme administration and auto-enrolment processing for its cash balance scheme.
Schemes are being urged to reconsider "distorted" gilt holdings, as persistently low yields call into question the benefits of holding the asset class.
Friends Life and Prudential are working exclusively with the National Employment Savings Trust to offer employers two-tier solutions.
The turmoil in the eurozone is creating a "bubble" in the buy-in market, consultants warn.
Mercer will integrate proprietary environmental, social and governance ratings into client reports.
Pensions are not considered to be a "retirement funding source" by 44% of Brits, according to a survey by Baring Asset Management.
The Church of England has disinvested News Corporation shares worth £1.9m after the company failed to address ethical concerns raised in the aftermath of the phone-hacking scandal.
Hidden charges can more than double the cost of diversified growth funds, according to an LCP survey.
Fees for equity managers are around 70% higher than those charged by fixed income specialists, according to a survey by analytical services firm Camradata Live.