Trustees are increasingly delegating investment decisions to third parties, according to an Aon Hewitt survey.
The Pensions Trust will launch a defined contribution multi-employer scheme for auto-enrolment later this year which specifically targets the UK's charity sector.
The Bank of England has held interest rates and quantitative easing at current levels, amid increasing speculation there will be a further round of asset purchases in November.
UK pension schemes should minimise risk to their property portfolios by investing in long leases of 20 years or more to strong companies, Aberdeen Asset Management argues.
The Pension Protection Fund is to clarify the way schemes should value property as a contingent asset, in the wake of an Ombudsman ruling against it.
The Royal Bank of Scotland has completed its first month of auto-enrolment in the UK - with 50% of non-members choosing to stay enrolled in the scheme.
Trustees are ill-equipped to position their schemes to exploit current and future interest-rate movements, SEI has warned.
Hannah Brenton takes a look at the bitter argument over QE.
UK pension schemes and asset managers are suing BP in the Texas courts for tens of millions of pounds over alleged fraud and negligence before and after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
Institutional investors will prioritise executive remuneration, climate change and supply chain labour standards when engaging companies over the next three years, according to research.