Trinity Mirror has sparked a row with The Pensions Regulator after finance director Vijay Vaghela complained about a lack of response to the company's plans to slash scheme payments by £70m.
House of Fraser has picked an Aviva group personal pension scheme for its 7,000 UK employees ahead of the introduction of auto-enrolment later this year.
Former tax boss Andrew Meeson has pleaded not guilty to charges his company defrauded HM Revenue and Customs by over £5m through a "fictitious" pension scheme.
Fund managers have hit back at the Kay Review, arguing it should have focused more on asset owners such as pension funds.
The government could step in and lower the Pension Protection Fund levy to give schemes "breathing space", Mercer has said.
The National Association of Pension Funds has hit back at "completely absurd" claims it is watering down its code of conduct on charges.
Employers must undertake financial education for their workforces before auto-enrolment kicks off, a behavioural finance expert argues.
The Church of England faces a backlash after its pensions board invested £60m with some of the world's largest hedge funds.
Millions of savers will be vulnerable to conflicts of interest and a lack of oversight as they are auto-enrolled into contract-based pension schemes, FairPensions has warned.