Economic secretary to the Treasury Sajid Javid has denied that bringing forward the end of contracting out by one year was motivated by the expected £5bn boost to the Exchequer.
The Treasury's drive to attract pension fund investment in infrastructure projects could see the bill fall heavily on the taxpayer, MPs have warned.
The e-petition against the government's decision to freeze the personal tax allowance for people aged 65 and over has attracted more than 100,000 signatures.
Pensioner pressure groups have mounted campaigns in Eastleigh in a bid to capture attention as national media focus on the shock by-election.
More people than ever could face a 55% tax charge through breaching the lifetime allowance. Fiona Murphy asks about the issues and action to take
Mark Wood explains why pensions, like diets, are too easily over-complicated.
Debt monetisation is a "creeping reality" and will usher in a period of high inflation, according to an investment grade bond manager.
The Department for Work and Pensions has promised a better working relationship between the Pensions Regulator and the Financial Services Authority and said joint thematic reviews are planned.
Ads Van Tiggelen says the bonds story is not over yet