Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander has suggested the 2014 Budget will avoid tampering with pensions.
The National Association of Pension Funds (NAPF) has announced that the Pension Infrastructure Platform (PIP) has launched the PPP Equity PIP Limited Partnership, its first fund.
The Equitable Life Payment Scheme (ELPS) has paid out £816m to 717,600 policyholders.
The Treasury has spent more than £2.6m on administering the Equitable Life payments scheme (ELPS) in the three months to November, government figures have shown.
Rachel Dalton looks at the proportion of remuneration spent on pensions
Increasing employer pension contributions driven by rising longevity, auto-enrolment (AE) and poor defined benefit (DB) scheme returns has held back wage growth, according to Treasury figures.
Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) has launched a third consultation into draft regulations for next year's local authority pension reforms.
The Treasury has admitted destroying a disc which contained the details of 350,000 Equitable Life victims' names and addresses.
The Treasury has claimed that the Equitable Life payments scheme is on track to close on schedule in 2014, despite claims it has been hit by delays and mistakes.
Representatives for the Treasury and The Pensions Regulator have cast doubts on the suitability of a single workplace scheme regulator.