Fiscal cliff compromise sets scene for further showdown
The Treasury has been accused of pursuing self-interest and seeking to raise billions of pounds in corporation tax by allowing schemes to smooth discount rates.
The Treasury has confirmed rumours that it will launch a consultation on income drawdown limits are untrue.
Charlotte Richards asks bond managers about the possible impact of the UK losing its prized AAA rating.
Local Government Pension Scheme investment restrictions could be scrapped as part of the government's drive to boost scheme investment in infrastructure, PP has learned.
Gilt yields are low and prices are high, warns John Redwood. Owners of government bonds should be wary.
Taha Lokhanwala asks whether pension funds want to build and if this works for the government.
Almost 4,000 members of the Financial Assistance Scheme have had their benefits reduced after overpayments resulting from administrative errors.
Schemes should seize the opportunity to invest in infrastructure projects as banks scale back their exposure to illiquid assets, Redington argues.
The Treasury Select Committee will scrutinise the impact of quantitative easing on members of the public.