The Money and Pensions Service (MAPS) has made ten appointments across the pensions and wider financial sector to work on the practicalities of establishing pensions dashboards.
The consolidation of smaller, higher-charging schemes, increased contribution rates and a move away from investment lifestyling towards DGFs and real assets could significantly boost the size of DC pots, latest analysis by the Pensions Policy Institute...
Auto-enrolment (AE) minimum contribution rates could rise to 12% by 2030, with a 50/50 split between employer and employee, the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) says.
The Pensions Policy Institute (PPI) has appointed seven further governors to join over 100 already in post.
The Pensions Policy Institute has published a report to clarify confusion around collective defined contribution. Kim Kaveh looks at how it could work in the UK.
The Pensions Policy Institute has called for the introduction of default decumulation pathways. James Phillips says the innovation could be risky, but is a worthwhile cause.
As annuities continue to fall in popularity, this year's Future Book suggests savers need more help choosing retirement income products. James Phillips explores the proposals.
Phasing has arrived with auto-enrolment contributions rising from 2% to 5% for millions of pension savers. As we wait to see what happens as a result, James Phillips asks what's next.
Retired households are increasingly relying on private pension provision for income, but there is a huge gap between the rich and the poor, Office for National Statistics (ONS) show.
Extending auto-enrolment (AE) to workers in the gig economy could grant them a lump sum of £75,600 at retirement, Zurich and Pensions Policy Institute (PPI) research suggests.