Occupational Pensions Defence Union (OPDU) has launched a liability policy specifically designed for individual independent trustees.
Disasters happen, but the consequences can be huge. Pádraig Floyd looks at what trustees and employers can do to ensure the master trust they have selected can withstand a crisis
The Pensions Management Institute (PMI) and the Occupational Pensions Defence Union (OPDU) have joined forces to encourage good governance in UK pension schemes.
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) will segment the trustee population to ensure their needs are met as part of the 21st century trusteeship programme.
The Pensions Ombudsman (PO) believes complaint procedures are so complex they deter many from making complaints.
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) is harnessing the power of real-life tragedies to warn workers of the dangers of pension liberation, which it wants to rebrand as "pension scams".
The winding up of defined benefit (DB) schemes has led to increased demand for pension trustee liability insurance, the Occupational Pensions Defence Union (OPDU) says.
Trustees are taking out increasing volumes of liability insurance as they face a growing number of claims relating to inaccurate data says the Occupational Pensions Defence Union.
Plans to give The Pensions Regulator a statutory responsibility to consider the affordability of recovery plans for sponsoring employers will make little difference, says the watchdog's chairman.
The Pensions Management Institute has teamed up with a trustee liability insurance provider for a project to boost governance and reduce risk for trustee boards.