Trustees must amend scheme rules quickly if they want pre-A-Day limits to continue to apply so a legal loophole does not increase member benefits, a lawyer says.
The Pensions Advisory Service will not be scrapped as part of the government's cost cutting plan.
Proposals to cut The Pensions Advisory Service were "inevitable" given the government's austerity agenda, former chief executive Malcolm McLean says.
Two trustees were found guilty of breach of trust after a member complained five months' of his defined benefit contributions had vanished.
The National Employment Savings Trust could be retained despite a cull of over 177 quangos, a leaked Cabinet Office document suggests.
Financial secretary Mark Hoban has pointed the finger of blame at the Labour government for the scale of payments owed to Equitable Life policyholders following the insurer's near collapse 10 years ago.
Equitable Life has urged the government to honour the Parliamentary Ombudsman's recommendation to make fair payments to policyholders.
An increased volume of Pensions Ombudsman cases received last year spells "potential trouble" for the time taken to deal with cases in the future, Eversheds warns.
Schemes that have bought out member benefits to Pension Protection Fund levels are still being forced to pay the lifeboat's levy despite posing it no threat, a lawyer says.
Bosses were ordered to keep up benefit payments to a long-serving former employee despite no pension documentation or contracts existing.