Mark Smith looks at the next instalment of the Lloyds Bank's GMP equalisation court hearing, and what it could entail for pension transfers.
Scottish Widows is aiming to boost its sustainability practices by working under a new responsible investment and stewardship framework.
Scottish Widows completed five bulk annuity transactions in 2019, with liabilities insured exceeding £2bn.
This week’s top stories included Lloyds agreeing a £10bn longevity swap with Pacific Life Re for three of its pension schemes, and the Co-operative Pension Scheme completing a £1bn buy-in with Aviva.
Lloyds Banking Group has secured one million new pension customers since the start of 2018, according to its half year results to 30 June.
Lloyds Banking Group will compensate Standard Life Aberdeen (SLA) £140m for the attempted early termination of an investment management arrangement for Scottish Widows worth over £100bn.
The Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) is inviting applications for its Pension Quality Mark (PQM), after making changes to the minimum requirements.
Potential changes to accounting standards and increased pressure on companies to accelerate contributions could worsen FTSE 100 scheme funding by up to £100bn, according to Lane Clark and Peacock (LCP).
Pensions and risk consultancy Hymans Robertson has appointed two equity partners and five partners from across the firm.