Growth in bank’s insurance arm partly driven by strong performance in workplace pensions
Clara superfund deal, Rothesay purchases portfolio and surplus repayments order
Bulk annuity portfolio covers the benefits for approximately 42,000 members
Pension provider says growth in regular contributions is ‘encouraging’
Deal comes on the back of LDC’s private equity investment in Ross Trustees in late 2020
Deal covers pensioner liabilities in the Lloyds Bank Pension Scheme No.1
Awards granted for services to diversity, health, finance, public service and consumers
Scottish Widows managing director of pensions Jackie Leiper will now run the platform business
Defined benefit (DB) schemes that provide GMPs must revisit and, where necessary, top-up historic cash equivalent transfer values (CETVs) that have been calculated on an unequal basis, a landmark court judgment said last week.
Thirteen recommendations for the Money and Pensions Service (Maps) have been laid out in an independent report to address the “urgent” financial wellbeing implications of the coronavirus pandemic on Britons.