The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority has launched a consultation on the quantitative impact study of its final advice on the IORP Directive review.
European Commissioner Michel Barnier has announced a delay to the timetable to apply Solvency II rules to UK pension schemes, but "insisted" they will be included.
The updated IORPs Directive will be implemented without stringent Solvency II-style capital requirements, a European Commission insider believes.
The government will continue to fight proposals by the European Commission to update its pensions directive to introduce solvency requirements for schemes, says Steve Webb.
Plans to exempt UK employers from having to auto-enrol staff working in Europe have won the backing of the National Association of Pension Funds.
Solvency II capital requirements for UK pension schemes should take into account the strength of the sponsoring employer, PwC suggests.
Pension schemes' accrued liabilities could have different rules from more stringent Solvency II-style capital requirements, a leading EU policy maker has hinted.
Pension funds should not face the ‘exact same rules' as insurance companies under Solvency II but must be open to change, European Commissioner Michel Barnier says.
National Association of Pension Funds chairman Mark Hyde Harrison has warned the European Commission that imposing Solvency II on pension funds could shut off the economic recovery.