Somewhere in Europe a small forest has been felled to keep up with EIOPA's insatiable demand for more paper as it produced yet another volume on the proposed new IORPS directive this week.
Jack Jones reports on Europe's plans for UK pensions
The European Commission will not "copy and paste" Solvency II laws into a fresh occupational pension scheme directive, the architect of the IORP review says.
Europe's latest white paper on pension provision has done little to allay fears for UK defined benefit schemes should Solvency II come into force.
The European Insurance Occupational Pensions Authority will today publish its advice to the European Commission on plans to integrate Solvency II rules into pan-European pension regulations.
The EU consultation on overhauling the Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision directive could have far-reaching effects on accounting, investment and communication in defined contribution schemes, argues the Investment Management Association....
Solvency II pension policy makers will lay out more details of an impact assessment on the effect of scheme solvency standards for UK pension schemes in March, EIOPA has confirmed.
Jack Jones delves into the opposition to EIOPA's plans