The argument behind the IORP Directive is based on "flawed logic", NAPF chairman Mark Hyde Harrison says.
The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority has launched an impact assessment on European Commission plans to overhaul the Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision directive.
The European Commission's overhaul of its pensions directive is rushed, counterproductive and borrows too heavily from Solvency II, says a key member of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority.
Pensions minister Steve Webb has called on the UK pensions industry to throw its weight behind his campaign against Solvency II and the Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision directive.
Labour front benchers have urged the government to work with the opposition, business and trade unions to protect British interests from planned European regulation of the pensions and insurance industries.
Jonathan Stapleton, Editor at Professional Pensions, chairs a debate with expert comment from David Collinson, Pension Corporation; Mike Munro, CMS Cameron McKenna and Mark Duke, Towers Watson, which looks in detail at the reasons for the implementation...
The author of the government's public sector pension reforms has engaged in a public row with a senior European official over European regulation.
Steve Webb has increased the pressure on the European Commission over Solvency II for pension schemes, promising there will be "no compromise".
UK schemes have been urged to engage with an EIOPA impact assessment in order to make sure figures used to draw up a new pensions directive are not understated.
EU plans to harmonise the Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision directive with Solvency II capital requirements could dent the government's infrastructure ambitions, a Treasury minister says.