With increasing pressure on trustees to master several different disciplines, Thomas Selby asks whether too much is being asked of them, and whether independent trustees are the answer
Sebastian Cheek reports on how investment strategy design is changing to react to the rapid expansion of the DC asset pool
UK - The number of schemes closed to existing members will double over the next year, Hewitt Associates warned.
The number of schemes closed to existing members will double over the next year, Hewitt Associates warns.
UK - PricewaterhouseCoopers has become the latest firm to raise fears over proposed pension accounting changes.
PricewaterhouseCoopers has become the latest firm to raise fears over proposed pension accounting changes.
UK - Companies entering a longevity swap could get a "nasty surprise" if they do not consider the effect on their accounting position, Hewitt Associates warned.
When does it make sense to reduce your salary? In this interview with PMI.tv, Tony Baily, principal consultant at Hewitt Associates, explains why it can make sense to use salary sacrifice to boost pension contributions
Here they are - the winners of the UK Pensions Awards 2010.
Laura Blows explores the pros and cons of outsourcing pension administration versus using an in-house team