PZ Cussons has conducted a £2.4m enhanced transfer value exercise after its UK defined benefit schemes moved into surplus.
Energy consultant AEA's pension deficit has fallen to £122m but still stands at almost twice the company's market capitalisation.
The aggregate deficit of schemes monitored by the Pension Protection Fund fell from £13.5bn, to £8.3bn in June.
UK companies are needlessly paying £5bn into defined benefit pension schemes because their funding targets are more than 10% higher than necessary, PwC research finds.
Green King has cut its pension deficit by £33m and agreed to more than double its annual contributions.
James Cropper has closed its final salary scheme to future accrual, cutting its pensions deficit by 90%.
Funding deficits and employer covenant have leapt to the top of the list of trustee's concerns this year, research shows.
Kesa Electricals has cut the liabilities of its UK pension scheme by more than £20m through enhanced transfer and buyout exercises.
UK - Scheme funding levels improved during 2010 despite fears of a double-dip recession and the sovereign debt crisis, UBS Global Asset Management says.
Wincanton's pension scheme has reduced its equity holding after strong asset performance cut £60m from its deficit, triggering a de-risking exercise.