Almost half of people don't pay enough into pension; Half of UK not saving enough for retirement, says study; One in two face poverty in retirement; The Jam generation face a pension time bomb; WS Atkins cuts deal over pensions; Visit London pushes pension...
Trustees of the WS Atkins Pension Plan have agreed a ten-year recovery plan with its sponsor to tackle the scheme's £293m deficit.
Johnson Matthey has slashed its pension scheme deficit by more than 60% after accelerating its recovery plan to benefit from favourable tax conditions.
Northumbrian Water has slashed its pensions deficit after injecting an extra £70m into the scheme in March and April this year and switching to Consumer Prices Index linking.
Funding deficits have become the biggest risk factor worrying trustees and sponsors of defined benefit schemes over the past year, according to a study.
The pensions deficit for the UK's largest companies remained stable in May, but major changes to accounting standards could increase shortfalls by £10bn, Aon Hewitt warns.
New pension rules risk a mis-selling scandal; Blue Chip companies halve pension deficit; Takeover Panel urged on pension toll of bids; Town hall staff face GBP9,000 pay cut to fund their pensions, claim council chiefs
Severn Trent is consulting with its employees on closing its defined benefit scheme before its auto-enrolment commitments kick in.
Marks & Spencer's pension scheme has moved into surplus after boosting its funding position by more than £500m over the last year.
Tui Travel uses brand value to cut pension costs; TUI uses Thomson and First Choice brands to plug pension hole; Public sector unions to ballot over pensions and job cuts as talks stall; Lib Dems rebel on women's pensions; Commentary: a fairer way to...