Greggs has cut more than £15m from its defined benefit scheme after switching from Retail Prices Index-linking to Consumer Prices Index-linking.
Royal Bank of Scotland has agreed to pump more than £700m a year into its pension scheme despite posting losses for the year of almost £800m.
As front page headlines warn of a pensions catastrophe, trustees need to stay calm and make sure they don't "feed the frenzy", scheme communications experts urge.
Here it is. The lists of the FTSE100 firms with the highest scheme funding levels and the largest percentage increases in funding levels.
Cookson is to offer deferred members of its defined benefit scheme an enhanced transfer value to leave the scheme to cut its future liabilities.
Barclays has seen its UK pension scheme deficit drop by more than half in the last six months to £1.2bn.
FTSE350 companies' combined pensions deficit stood at £38bn at the end of July, down slightly from £44bn at the end of June after a volatile month.
BAE Systems' UK pension deficit has edged up to £3.7bn after liabilities increased by £387m in the past six months due to changes in assumptions.
ITV has boosted its pension scheme's interest in digital subsidiary SDN by £50m after failing to significantly cut the fund's £313m deficit in the last six months.
Scheme funding levels fell by 1.5 percentage points over the second quarter, Investment Solutions research reveals.