The deficit for the closed Whitbread defined benefit pension scheme has climbed above £0.5bn despite contributions of £61m from the firm.
Schemes are continuing to focus on equity performance risk despite reducing allocations to this class, research finds.
The Alliance Trust Companies' Pension Fund has moved further into the black in the first six months of the year after closing to future accrual in the spring.
Kingfisher has extended the asset-backed funding partnership with its pension scheme with the addition of two UK properties worth £119m.
The John Lewis Partnership Pension Trust has seen its accounting deficit rise by 16% to £479m in the first half of the year.
The aggregate funding deficit of schemes in the PPF 7800 index shot up by 75% in the month of August pushing funding levels below 90%, latest figures show.
The multi-employer Students' Union Superannuation Scheme is to close to future accrual at the end of the month due to fears over section 75 debt liabilities.
Aga Rangemaster has seen its pension scheme surplus rise by £15.6m on an IAS19 basis in the six months from January to June.
Trinity Mirror has cut its defined benefit pensions deficit by £61m and locked in its gains with a £118m insurance contract.
Pension schemes hit by volatility; BT misses FTSE rally amid pension fears; How to protect your pension from shocks