The Budget flexibilities may make collective defined contribution schemes (CDC) less appealing, according to the Pensions Policy Institute (PPI).
The majority of defined contribution (DC) savers do not know how they will use their pension pot and only have a vague idea when they will retire, according to research.
Alan and Overy's Helen Powell highlights key issues for trustees for April 2015
The shakeup coming to pensions in April 2015 has given trustees of defined contribution (DC) schemes a lot to think about. High on the list of concerns is what to do with their investment strategies.
Cartwright Group has adopted Procentia's Intellipen platform for its pension administration in a move to help clients access information.
Steve Webb speaks to PP about his plans for more changes
Sue Curley has been appointed to lead the defined contribution (DC) trust-based services in the UK by Buck Consultants.
Businesses need less time than the industry thinks to prepare for auto-enrolment, according to a small employer.
PP talks to the SAUL chief executive as she prepares to step down
A ruling by the deputy pensions ombudsman (PO) has clarified trustees' responsibility around communicating tax issues.