The private pensions industry is set to wind down as young people increasingly retreat from retirement saving, the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS) has warned.
Scottish Widows has unveiled a website targeted at customers looking for information on the Budget freedoms.
To what extent do DC trustees have a moral responsibility to their members, asks Natasha Browne
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has hired Fred Berry for the newly created role of lead investment consultant.
Madeline Forrester has been appointed to head MFS Investment Management's institutional business in the UK.
The Budget flexibilities will not hinder the government's plans for collective defined contribution (CDC), according to the Pensions Policy Institute (PPI).
Pensions minister Steve Webb has warned he will keep a sharp eye on the pensions industry following the announcement of the Budget freedoms in March.
The National Employment Savings Trust (NEST) will review its investment strategy over concerns outcomes for members in its default fund could be affected by 2014 Budget.
David Weeks says guidance must serve savers, not the industry
Trustees are not responsible for defined contribution (DC) members' retirement outcomes, according to the independent chairman of the Next Pension Scheme.