Half of schemes are targeting buyout, with around £50bn in deals expected by end of year
Standard Life finds barriers include market volatility and investment strategy
PwC finds over the last year, more than half of DB schemes saw asset values fall 20-40%
New pensions charter, XPS H1 revenues, and Oliver Morley leaves PPF for Maps
Hymans Robertson recommended schemes consider exclusive risk transfer
Steve Hitchiner says it remains to be seen whether DB superfunds will be a mass market solution
As defined benefit (DB) schemes adopt a holding pattern ahead of a potential buyout, LGIM’s Solutions team – making use of their modelling frameworks – share their insights into how they believe schemes can best invest to meet their objectives.
Transaction secures the benefits for 14 deferred members and ten pensioners
The latest transaction by the scheme secures the benefits of all remaining members
Improved funding levels have prompted trustees to reduce illiquid asset allocations