Analysis finds FTSE 350 DB schemes’ time to buyout has risen after record lows earlier this year
Majority of DB trustees will approach insurer about de-risking in the near future
LCP survey finds variation across funding levels and priorities of DB schemes
'Growing mismatch’ between number of schemes and insurers available to transact
Hymans Robertson has launched an online DB endgame tool to help buyout journey planning
Analysis finds FTSE 350 DB schemes’ time to buyout has dropped to 4.7 years
A recent Sackers poll shows many schemes still ‘have some way to go’ on de-risking
Majority of Buzz respondents say buyout is their preferred route to endgame
PwC’s buyout index saw DB scheme surpluses increase to £160bn in April
Regulators publish LDI guidance, and TPR urges trustees to review funding targets