The European Court has rejected the BT Pension Scheme's attempt to have its partial exemption from paying the Pension Protection Fund (PPF) levy restored.
The government is planning to take Royal Mail private in the coming weeks, but would schemes be rewarded for taking a stake in the business?
The British Telecom (BT) Pension Scheme has begun a two-year long tender process as it reviews its current administration provider, PP can reveal.
BT Pension Scheme will offer a pension increase exchange (PIE) to around 120,000 pensioners over the coming year, PP can reveal.
Employee share ownership has become a catchphrase in recent months. Julia Rampen looks at the practical steps, advantages and risks of a reward strategy on the verge of change.
BT has seen its pension deficit rise by 63% in just six months as a result of a reduction in the discount rate used for its IAS19 valuation.
British Telecom will use a combination of its existing Standard Life defined contribution scheme and the National Employment Savings Trust for auto-enrolment.
BT's has agreed to make a £2bn pension scheme contribution this month to help plug its £4.1bn deficit.
FTSE100 firms with pension schemes heavily exposed to equities dropped 26% in value this month, pushing the combined index deficit up £30bn in just ten days.
Fears over an increase in BT Pension Scheme's liability eased in early trading today sending BT share price up to 173p from the close of 167p yesterday.