Pension schemes hit by volatility; BT misses FTSE rally amid pension fears; How to protect your pension from shocks
Implementing a responsible investment strategy need not be at the expense of strong returns and can actually help pension funds make better investment choices, Swedish pension funds heard.
UK - The Pensions Regulator has placed its review of the BT Pension Scheme funding valuation and recovery plan on hold.
BT enjoys revival as profits leap 71%; US sales boost the Prudential after Indian downturn; NHS will collapse without reform warns Saga
The Pensions Regulator has placed its review of the BT Pension Scheme funding valuation and recovery plan on hold.
UK - Scheme sponsors are likely to follow BT and bring forward contribution dates before the 2% reduction in corporation tax rate kicks in, experts believe.
Scheme sponsors are likely to follow BT and bring forward contribution dates before the 2% reduction in corporation tax rate kicks in, experts say.
Professional Pensions has scooped the prestigious HR Publication of the Year Award for the second year running.
BT has paid £505m cash into its pension scheme nine months earlier than scheduled under its deficit reduction plan.
Regulatory constraints on pension funds are stifling the availability of long-term capital in the global economy, the World Economic Forum says.