People looking to trade in their annuities for cash should be obliged to take independent financial advice, industry pundits agree.
The pensions industry has rejected concerns that transfer values are too stingy, although many think it is time for a new methodology.
Helen Morrissey asks whether we are right to follow the Australian pensions example.
Helen Morrissey asks whether the conversations she overhears on the train bode well
Patrick O' Sullivan outlines the key questions now facing retirees
The secondary annuity market may fail to emerge and even if it does many people will struggle to make well-informed decisions, according to the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS).
The cost of insuring a UK defined benefit (DB) scheme has risen in the past year as prices fell in other markets, according to Mercer.
Just three out of ten pension professionals support plans to let pensioners cash in their annuities according to research by PP.
The next government could save £835m in 2016-17 from pension changes announced in today's Budget according to HM Treasury.
Asset price volatility means pensioners on drawdown could suffer annual income drops of up to 50% which could hit living standards, warns the International Longevity Centre-UK (ILC-UK).