The industry is sceptical about providing a default retirement option, with two thirds believing members' pots should stay invested until they make a decision, according to PP research.
Up to £5.5bn is being sat on by retirees who have deferred taking their pensions ahead of the changes coming in this April, according to Origo.
Pension figures have rejected calls to introduce a default retirement option of an inflation-linked annuity defined contribution members.
Fidelity has extended its defined contribution (DC) platform to give customers access to incoming retirement flexibilities but warned that operational capability alone will not ensure the policy is successful.
Seven out of ten defined contribution (DC) pot holders aged over 55 would prefer pensions to deliver a guaranteed income for life according to research published by the International Longevity Centre-UK (ILC-UK).
Forcing product providers to reveal how their annuity quotes compare with competitors and developing a one-stop pensions 'dashboard' for retirees are two of several changes proposed by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) following its wide-ranging review...
PP looks at how asset managers and insurers are changing their offerings ahead of April
Jack Jones says the annuity market should have been reformed, not ditched
There has been a 55% increase in drawdown sales since the Chancellor announced the liberalisation of the retirement process in March, according to the Association of British Insurers (ABI).
Legal & General has added James Lumb to its bulk annuity and longevity insurance team.