The Alcatel-Lucent Pension Scheme has completed a £300m pensioner buy-in with Aviva.
Aegon has overhauled its workplace pension default funds in response to the extra retirement flexibilities introduced in April.
The Pensions Ombudsman has ordered Abbey Life to pay almost £10,000 to a member for failing to inform her that she had a guaranteed annuity rate (GAR).
'Sensible' approach as smaller pots taken as cash and larger pots used for income, data suggests
The Budget changes have brought major changes to how people access their pension pots. Helen Morrissey examines research that finds major implications for pre-retirement investments too.
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) will find poor practice and mis-selling when it delves into the non-advised annuity sales market, according to PP readers.
LV= is launching a toolkit intended to help members in defined benefit schemes (DB) understand their options at retirement in light of freedom and choice.
Standard Life's profits have fallen 15% in H1 2015 as it suffered a 66% reduction in annuity sales from last June as a result of the pension freedoms.
The Pensions Ombudsman (PO) has instructed the Kodak pension scheme to make up the financial losses suffered by a member in a delayed transfer request.
The pensions industry recognises the need for change, but thinks the summer Budget spells trouble and ‘ISA pensions' would mean lower retirement incomes, according to PP research.