Two-thirds of employers are unaware members pay any charges in their defined contribution schemes, Department for Work and Pensions research reveals.
The National Association of Pension Funds has launched separate multi-employer forums for defined benefit and defined contribution schemes.
The Pensions Management Institute and Imperial College London signed a formal Memorandum of Understanding today, paving the way towards the first specialised masters degree in pensions.
Companies are factoring a possible eurozone break-up into their business plans, but are not taking the same steps for their pension scheme, a Towers Watson survey reveals.
Aberdeen Asset Management topped Camradata's second quarter rankings, combatting three months of uncertainty in the markets.
The Department for Work and Pensions is set to begin a widespread advertising push on September 17 using "trusted voices" in the media to gain public support for auto-enrolment.
The Pension Protection Fund levy and discount rates used to calculate scheme liabilities are under review, pensions minister Steve Webb has revealed.
The long-running court battle over whether defined benefit schemes should pay VAT on investment management services was heard by the European Court of Justice today.
Trustees should take a "beliefs-based approach" to investing that integrates sustainability concerns with long-term mandates, Towers Watson has said.