American financial services giant TIAA-CREF has scrapped its plans to enter the UK pensions market as the industry is too focused on low charges, PP has learnt.
Legal and General Trustees (LGT) has asked The Pensions Regulator (TPR) to allow an amnesty for defined contribution (DC) contract scheme providers to change members' investments without their consent.
Taha Lokhandwala examines the differences between target date, LDI and life-styling approaches
Last week saw the long-awaited publication of the Pensions Administration Standards Association's (PASA) code of conduct for provider transfers.
Asset-backed funding (ABF) arrangements are reaching new levels as the industry saw £700m worth of deals in the six months from September 2012, research from KPMG shows.
Orthopaedic firm Smith & Nephew has entered into a buy-in with Rothesay Life for its two defined benefit (DB) schemes covering £190m of liabilities.
A number of smaller employers are planning to avoid auto-enrolment (AE) compliance citing the legislation as "designed solely to allow the government to steal more money".
Consultant Aon Hewitt has responded to the Department for Work and Pensions' (DWP) consultation on auto-enrolment (AE) simplification with its top five improvements.
The Pensions Administration Standards Association (PASA) has published its code of conduct on administrator provider transfers in hope of ironing out issues in the industry.
Trustees and schemes are at risk of significant problems because administrators are withholding information, according to advisers.