The Association of Member-Nominated Trustees (AMNT) and the Irish Bank Officials Association (IBOA) have joined forces to lobby the Irish government to create a life-boat fund for defined benefit (DB) pensions.
The twentieth PMI president tells Taha Lokhandwala how the institute will expand in the post-DB era
In The Pensions Regulator's latest scheme governance survey, questions were posed to defined contribution schemes about how many investment funds they offer members.
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) is set to consider bringing administrators for defined contribution (DC) schemes under some form of regulation in order to ensure their "successful operation".
Dairy producer Adams Foods has appointed Punter Southall to provide administration support to its pension scheme as it outsources for the first time.
Pensions minister Steve Webb has confirmed that an update for the defined ambition (DA) project will be published in the summer.
Aviva Investors has added £13m to its partnership with housing provider GreenSquare in order to fund another 129 affordable homes in the south of England.
The results of this survey to will provide schemes and sponsors with a peer-to-peer assessment of the different businesses in the market.
The Royal Mail is planning to cap pensionable pay increases for members of its pension plan as costs escalate and privatisation looms, despite a liability transfer to the government.
Over two-thirds of defined contribution (DC) schemes admit they do not comply with all of The Pensions Regulator's (TPR) six principles for good workplace DC, despite high awareness.