Nearly 2,500 DB schemes are now using LDI to hedge their liabilities, XPS Pensions finds. James Phillips looks at the increased use of the product over 2018.
This week's top stories included Cardano announcing plans to acquire Now Pensions from a Dutch pension fund later this year.
The Harrods Group Pension Plan has selected XPS Pensions Group to provide investment advice, following a competitive tender process.
Lemonade has launched a retirement service in a bid to help trustees and employers guide defined benefit (DB) members through their options.
This week's top stories were the British Steel review concluding that trustees "need professional help" on communications, and Smart Pension absorbing £12.5m Corporate Pensions Trust.
The cost of equalising guaranteed minimum pensions (GMPs) will be less than 1% of total scheme liabilities for over half of all schemes, XPS Pensions has found.
Some investment consultants and fiduciary managers may be misrepresenting the conclusions of a major market competition review to clients, XPS Pensions says.
Johnson Controls International has appointed XPS Pensions as investment and actuarial adviser for two of its schemes, following a competitive tender process.
The Competition and Markets Authority's (CMA) final report on the investment consultant market has been celebrated as having "real teeth" to produce better outcomes for members.
This week's top stories include a chief executive being convicted of refusing to give information to The Pensions Regulator, and an Aon study revealing the industry is split on how to deal with GMP equalisation.