The University of Warwick is planning to close its final salary pension scheme for non-academic staff to new members.
Further cuts in government funding could mean universities' scheme liabilities will come under more scrutiny, Pinsent Masons warns.
The Universities Superannuation Scheme has diversified its property allocation in a deal with Henderson Global Investors' UK Retail Warehouse Fund.
UK - The Universities Superannuation Scheme has diversified its property allocation in a deal with Henderson Global Investors' UK Retail Warehouse Fund.
UK - Companies and their investors are failing to take changes in weather patterns properly into account in their investment decisions, latest research revealed.
The Universities Superannuation Scheme has bought an industrial park in West London for £110.4m.
UK - The Universities Superannuation Scheme has appointed UBS Global Asset Management - Fund Services to deliver hedge fund of funds administration services.
The Universities Superannuation Scheme has appointed UBS Global Asset Management - Fund Services to deliver hedge fund of funds administration services.
Corporate pension schemes are lagging behind other categories of asset owners in signing up to the United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment, a consultant claims.
UK - The Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) has paid £1.8m (US$2.9m) in bonuses to its investment staff despite its funding level dropping severely, according to its annual accounts.