Universities Superannuation Scheme has appointed Man Group to run a managed account for up to $1bn (£0.66bn).
UK - Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) has appointed Man Group to run a managed account for up to US$1bn.
UK/GLOBAL - The Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) decided to sell its stake in Océ to Canon after the Enterprise Chamber of the Amsterdam Court of Appeals rejected the pension fund's request to investigate Canon's tender offer to buy Océ.
The Universities Superannuation Scheme has decided to sell its stake in Océ to Canon after the Enterprise Chamber of the Amsterdam Court of Appeals rejected the pension fund's request to investigate Canon's tender offer to buy Océ.
The Enterprise Chamber of the Amsterdam Court of Appeals has rejected a request by Hermes and the Universities Superannuation Scheme to investigate Canon's tender offer worth €730m (US$998.4m) to buy Océ.
UK/NETHERLANDS - The Enterprise Chamber of the Amsterdam Court of Appeals has rejected a request by Hermes and the Universities Superannuation Scheme to investigate Canon's tender offer worth €730m (US$998.4m) to buy Océ.
Hermes and the Universities Superannuation Scheme have filed a request with the Enterprise Chamber of the Amsterdam Court of Appeals for an investigation over Canon's tender offer worth €730m (£642m) to buy Océ, the biggest European printer maker.
NETHERLANDS - UK investors Hermes and the Universities Superannuation Scheme have filed a request with the Enterprise Chamber of the Amsterdam Court of Appeals for an investigation over Canon's tender offer worth €730m (US$990.5m) to buy Océ, the biggest...
Investors in Australia, the UK and Sweden ranked highest in a new "Environmental Real Estate Index" developed on the back of a global environmental survey commissioned by three large European pension funds.
GLOBAL - Investors in Australia, the UK and Sweden ranked highest in a new "Environmental Real Estate Index" developed on the back of a global environmental survey commissioned by three large European pension funds.