The ban on short service refunds will keep between £70m and £130m in the pensions system, figures from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) reveal.
HM Treasury could land a healthy windfall of £1.6bn as up to 200,000 people are expected to cash in the pension pots in April, according to research.
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has replaced 35 trustees in the last two years as part of efforts to clampdown on pension scams.
The current 55% tax duty payable when pension funds are passed on after death is set to be axed under this government, George Osborne has announced.
The majority of UK defined contribution (DC) savers are not satisfied with their plans, according to research.
The cost of implementing the 0.75% charge cap has already overshot expectations from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).
Labour will continue to push through developments on an automatic transfer system if it wins the next general election, it has been confirmed.
The first open standards electronic pension transfer has occurred between Cranfords and Hargreaves Lansdown.
The pensions industry must work together to establish an efficient and consistent transfer method or risk having a poorer version inflicted upon it by the regulator, Tom McPhail has said.
The 2014 Pension Schemes Bill, which will provide the legislative framework for arrangements that share risk between scheme members and sponsors, has been laid before parliament.