How the Long-Term Asset Fund (LTAF) is reshaping private market investments for DC pension schemes
LTAF will be focused on UK venture capital
Fund will aim to deploy assets across wind and solar assets as well as hydrogen and heating
Master trust Cushon announced as founder investor with 15% target allocation to the fund
DC schemes are moving to a world where equities are not the sole driver of growth
Cushon will be the founding investor in the project
The Atlas Master Trust has incorporated sustainability into its default equity approach. Jonathan Stapleton speaks to both the scheme and its asset manager about the move
Schroders has introduced a sustainable multi-factor equity fund which aims to help defined contribution (DC) schemes while integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors.
Schroders has become the first asset manager to sign up to Clear Funds, a transaction cost assessment service launched by PTL in January 2018.
Schroders has launched a global multi-factor equity fund for defined contribution (DC) schemes in a bid to provide an investment strategy which targets consistent outperformance in a risk-controlled way.