Tesco Group's net pension deficit after tax increased 30% over eight months to £3.4bn in August, according to the company's interim results.
Tesco corporate pensions manager Karen Wake has left the scheme after her contract ran out, a spokeswoman has confirmed.
The deficit in Tesco's defined benefit scheme grew from £1.8bn to £2.6bn over the year to the end of February.
Insurance companies in the FTSE100 have some of the best defined benefit (DB) scheme funding levels as a result of Solvency II, research from JLT Employee Benefits (JLTEB) shows.
NAPF chairman elect Ruston Smith and chief executive Joanne Segars talk to Naomi Rainey about the road ahead
Tesco has seen its defined benefit (DB) deficit rise after asset rises failed to halt liability increases with a fall in the discount rate.
The National Association of Pension Funds (NAPF) is preparing for the departure of two further senior figures, PP can reveal.
There is a strong link between companies being paternalistic and wanting to administer their pension schemes in-house, Tesco corporate pension manager Karen Wake says.
Tesco group pensions director Ruston Smith will succeed Mark Hyde Harrison as chairman of the National Association of Pension Funds (NAPF).
Tesco has seen its defined benefit deficit increase by more than £500m despite a bump in contributions after its triennial review, its final results show.