The DB white paper sets out plans to review the funding regime, with 'prudent' and 'appropriate' possibly redefined. But James Phillips asks if this could this signal a return to an MFR-like approach
Michael Klimes examines whether clarification on new money laundering rules will ease additional obligations on schemes.
Michael Klimes explores what practical steps schemes can take to protect members from hacking and identity fraud
Michael Klimes examines what additional obligations money laundering rules introduced in June may put on schemes
The government suffered a major High Court defeat after guidance forcing the LGPS to invest in line with UK foreign policy was deemed unlawful. Stephanie Baxter finds it could have far-reaching consequences.
Jay Doraisamy has been appointed pensions partner in the London offices of Mayer Brown.
In May the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was adopted by the European Union, Michael Klimes examines how it will affect UK trustees
From April schemes with a corporate trustee must keep a register of people with significant control.
PP finds potential political interference in the LGPS on divestment decisions is causing concern.
Section 48 of the Administration of Justice Act 1985 can provide a solution to pension problems