Allied Healthcare and Saga are set to offer a savings product to employees following a tie-up between Salary Finance and Yorkshire Building Society.
Retirees are increasingly exposed to fraudsters since the pension freedoms were introduced due to the high cost of advice, according to the Trades Union Congress (TUC).
The funding deficit of Saga's defined benefit (DB) scheme grew by £28.8m over the six months to 31 July on the back of bond yield falls.
People approaching retirement are confused about the potential benefits of the single-tier state pension set come into effect next April, according to Saga.
Ros Altmann is to step down from her post as director-general of Saga.
Government should lift restrictions on the National Employment and Savings Trust's annual contributions and transfer terms "as a matter of urgency", the Work and Pensions Committee has said.
The FSA's revision of projection rates is a difficult but necessary change.
Local government pension schemes could see limits on investment in infrastructure projects doubled, allowing almost £45bn to be pumped into local housing and transport.
Saga director general Ros Altmann has said the maths behind the retail prices index is not wrong and the Office for National Statistics' proposal to change it is solely about the government reducing costs.
Assessing plans allowing parents to access their lump-sum early to guarantee children's mortgages