SPP said event attendees ‘drastically changed’ opinions after hearing debates on topics
Charlotte Moore assesses the attractiveness of running on schemes for surplus sharing
Buyouts are 'good news' stories for members, trustees, companies and for wider society
Firm’s research found pension surplus of FTSE 100 schemes stands at around £60bn
Hymans’ Michael Abramson highlights the ‘fork in the road’ for schemes between buyout and run-on
Consultancy says lack of shared vision could lead to wasted time and money
Surpluses are increasingly seen as an opportunity to run on schemes
While buyout is still viewed as a gold-standard, many are now considering run-on as an option
Isio says a PRO-style approach could return 17% of assets to sponsors in next decade
A PP webinar was held in conjunction with Aon on 13 December