Sponsoring employers could be given unilateral powers to amend defined benefit scheme rules without trustee consent to offset a £4.2bn spike in National Insurance costs.
The Pensions Ombudsman has rejected a case arguing members of the Armed Forces Pension Scheme were misled into the assumption benefits would always be linked to RPI.
British Airways pensioners have triggered a second members' meeting after confirmation the scheme would again pay CPI increases this year.
Every little helps. Or so goes the advertising slogan of Britain's largest supermarket, Tesco.
John Walbaum of Hymans Robertson proposes a fairer alternative to the universal pension.
CPI annual inflation fell to 3.4% in February, down from 3.6% in January, according to the Office for National Statistics.
Unions have lost their appeal against the judicial review that backed the government's decision to use the Consumer Prices Index for uprating public sector pensions.
Jim Singer launched the highly popular e-petition urging the government to reverse its switch to CPI for pension and benefits indexation. It attracted 110,000 supporters and triggered a parliamentary debate, which he watched at the House of Commons. He...
A judge has ruled that QinetiQ has the right to switch to using the Consumer Prices Index to calculate future pension increases.
Tesco is consulting with staff on increasing the retirement age of its career average defined benefit (DB) scheme from 65 to 67.