Switching the indexation of public sector pension benefits from RPI to CPI in March 2011 saved the government £126bn, a report says.
Legal and General has launched a de-risking service that combines a buy-in or buyout with a property-backed payment structure.
The Office for National Statistics is to consult on plans to expand the Consumer Prices Index inflation measure to include housing costs.
Schemes with liabilities linked to the retail prices index are set to get a multi-million pound boost next year after researchers said they would change the way they calculate inflation to make RPI figures lower.
Inflation in the UK dropped in April, beating the consensus forecast.
The government launched a public consultation on simplifying pension regulation as part of its wider Red Tape Challenge in April.
Total UK pension obligations hit £7.1trn at the end of 2010 - including unfunded defined benefit public sector obligations of £900m, national statistics show.
Schemes are being asked to pay a prohibitive premium to hedge against Consumer Prices Index or Limited Price Index inflation, delegates at the PP Risk Reduction Forum heard.
The country's largest supermarket chains will become the first employers to auto-enrol their workforces this autumn.