Schemes have urged FTSE Group to increase entry requirements for admittance to its listed stock exchanges to boost minority shareholder safeguards.
Royal London Asset Management has launched a cash fund targeted at pension scheme investors in a bid to carve out risk-adjusted returns from the low deposit rate environment.
Following Lord Myners prediction of a bubble bursting in corporate bonds, Helen Fowler discusses the strength of the market
Royal London Group lost £2m in the first half of 2010, compared with an £18m profit last year.
Scottish Life, the pensions division of Royal London, has seen new business increase by 62% to £1.1bn in the six months ending June 30.
The government set "tougher targets than expected" in yesterday's Budget, fund managers say.
Here they are - the winners of the UK Pensions Awards 2010.
Royal London Asset Management has launched a global index-linked bond fund aimed at hedging against potential inflation, but at higher yields than currently available in the UK.