Royal London Asset Management (RLAM) has launched a multi asset fund designed to capture market upside while limiting downside risk.
Royal London Asset Management (RLAM) has become the latest asset manager to sign up to the £217bn Local Government Pension Scheme's (LGPS) code of transparency.
A number of asset managers are to vote against the re-election of Sports Direct board members, including its chairman Keith Hellawell, at its annual general meeting (AGM) on 6 September.
Royal London Asset Management chief executive Andrew Carter explains how the group is 'reinventing itself' to broaden its appeal to retail investors and capitalise on freedom and choice.
The National Employment Savings Trust (NEST) has added two emerging market alternative index funds to the seven "building blocks" of its default target date fund.
Royal London Asset Management has seen its assets under management grow by 8% in 2012, as institutional investors channeled money into credit strategies.
Royal London Asset Management saw a £495m business outflow last quarter as two large investors ditched their investment strategy with the firm, it announced today.