Debenhams' defined benefit (DB) pension schemes will be "carrying on as usual" despite the department store chain falling into administration, the trustees have confirmed.
JP Morgan Securities has reported the highest gender pay gap of any UK firm working with occupational pension schemes in 2017/18, PP analysis finds.
The government has set out initial thoughts on the criteria for DB master trusts to be accredited. James Phillips looks at the details
The Pension Protection Fund (PPF) has begun issuing top-ups to the benefits of members affected by the compensation cap after last year's landmark court ruling.
A rarely-used insurance product guarantees the payment of DRCs in the worst-case scenario. James Phillips asks if it is appropriate for DB schemes
Accreditation will reduce the number of sole-trader professional trustees, this week's Pensions Buzz respondents say.
The Pension Protection Fund (PPF) is seeking applications for three non-executive directors, with an aim to appoint a compensated member to the position for the first time.
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) will not conduct any further investigation into Johnston Press after its defined benefit (DB) scheme was pushed into Pension Protection Fund (PPF) assessment last year.
This week's top stories included Cardano announcing plans to acquire Now Pensions from a Dutch pension fund later this year.
Smaller schemes may be eligible for a levy reduction but are failing to fill out a simple application form, the Pension Protection Fund (PPF) has said.