Arcadia has postponed votes on its seven company voluntary arrangement (CVA) proposals in order to "conduct further dialogue with a few landlords" in a bid to save the business from collapse.
Every month, several firms issue trackers of the aggregate defined benefit (DB) scheme funding position. See here for the April 2019 estimates on the various measures…
Mothercare's two schemes gained £1.6m after a pension increase exchange (PIE) exercise, one year after a company voluntary agreement (CVA) stopped the schemes entering the Pension Protection Fund (PPF).
Debenhams' creditors have passed a company voluntary arrangement (CVA), meaning its defined benefit (DB) schemes will leave Pension Protection Fund (PPF) assessment if the process completes successfully.
This week's top stories included Smart Pension and Moore Stephens master trusts being fined for historic chair's statement failures.
Funding standards for DB schemes have increased exponentially over the past decades. Con Keating says such significant overstatement of liabilities will lead to pushback through the courts.
Regulations from the government set out plans to remove protections for UK DB schemes hit by an EU employer insolvency. James Phillips explores the details.
The Pension Protection Fund (PPF) has published contingency planning guidance for trustees to help them manage risk.
The Pension Protection Fund (PPF) has published its first three-year strategic plan in a bid to provide more thematic and transparent thinking about its longer-term thinking.
Debenhams' defined benefit (DB) pension schemes will be "carrying on as usual" despite the department store chain falling into administration, the trustees have confirmed.