Increased fixed income market volatility is a trend that looks set to continue
Here they are - the winners of the Professional Pensions Investment Awards (PPIA) 2016
Percival Stanion takes a look at how global markets have reacted to the UK's decision to leave the European Union.
Defined benefit (DB) pension schemes should move away from index-linked gilts and increase exposure to risk assets in order to plug deficits, according to research by Fathom Consulting.
We’ve had a difficult start to 2016 and ongoing political factors will continue to have an impact finds Charlotte Moore.
Patrick Zweifel says there could be considerable divergence in the trajectory of individual EM currencies over the coming years.
The European Central Bank is being urged to undertake full-blown QE this month following worse than expected deflation in the eurozone, writes Stephanie Baxter.
Head of multi-asset Marino Valensise talks about the firm's strategy
European Central Bank (ECB) president Mario Draghi will push the bank to buy junk-rated Greek and Cypriot bank loans, it has emerged.
Pictet Asset Management has hired Barings multi-asset trio Percival Stanion, Andrew Cole and Shaniel Ramjee to lead a push into the space.