Virtual events will help firms progress connection and readiness ahead of next year’s deadlines
PSIG chair Margaret Snowdon says focus on bigger picture ‘rather than perfection’
It’s a fact that things only really happen when they get on the trustee agenda. Trustees have a lot to contend with and understandably focus on the priorities.
Dashboards are UK’s ‘biggest technological pensions initiative’, so schemes must prepare
Association says building pensions adequacy for workers is ‘defining challenge of our time’
‘Range of factors’ have driven estimated cost of the programme up by 23%
Graeme Bold says industry will need to adjust member engagement based on demographics
Wealth at Work says dashboards are ‘only part of the picture’ regarding people’s finances
Modification means firms will be COBS 19.11 compliant when they connect to CDA
Progress update report sets out the steps taken to update dashboard standards