Trustees fear their members are not equipped to deal with the risks they face when accessing their pension and worry those nearing retirement will face predatory attention from scammers, research by Wealth at Work reveals.
Aon has revealed defined benefit (DB) schemes are offering more support to members in their decision making at retirement, with one in five schemes now including personalised transfer value figures in retirement packs and making online tools available....
The National Employment Savings Trust (NEST) will not expand its decumulation offering to enter the drawdown market, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has confirmed.
Administrators have a moral duty to ensure transfers are done correctly and take an assertive stance against scammers, according to an administration manager.
A government proposal to limit the right to transfer pension funds amid increasing scam activity has been welcomed by the industry.
The government has launched a consultation on banning pensions cold calling and limiting the right to transfer after a rise in scams since the pension freedoms.
The government has reaffirmed its commitment to crack down on pensions cold calling and give firms more powers to block suspicious transfers.
Anne-Marie Winton relates her experience of trying to transfer a pension pot.
Nearly one-in-three retirement savers would consider transferring final salary pension benefits to defined contribution schemes, latest research shows.
The estimated value of a defined benefit (DB) transfer grew by a modest £2,000 over September, according to Xafinity.