The CBI and Aegon have published a joint research report looking at how to quantify the value of pension engagement. Kim Kaveh explores the data
John Cridland has been appointed to lead an independent review of the State Pension age.
The cost of running a defined benefit (DB) scheme is preventing firms from investing, according to research carried out by the Confederation of British Industry (CBI).
Jack Jones looks at the findings from the CBI’s biennial pensions survey
Employers need to be given a defined line between providing information and advice on pension arrangements, a select committee hears.
A Supreme Court ruling permitting firms to retire workers at a fixed age has been welcomed by experts as an important clarification of mandatory retirement laws.
Europe's latest white paper on pension provision has done little to allay fears for UK defined benefit schemes should Solvency II come into force.
Government should cap defined contribution scheme charges to match the existing limits on stakeholder pensions to avoid complaints about ‘mis-selling', the Workplace Retirement Income Commission says.
The Confederation of British Industry has appointed Jim Bligh as head of employment and pensions policy.
Government should address current insolvency laws to stop pension schemes becoming "super-creditors" following the Nortel and Lehman Brothers ruling, the Confederation of British Industry says.